Part1Getting your Body Position Right
- 1Create a proper typing and working space. You should try to set yourself up with somewhere comfortable, well-lit, and well-ventilated for typing. You should definitely be typing at a desk or table and not on your lap. Being comfortable is very important if you want to work for extended periods. Make sure you get these details right before you go any farther.
- 2Fix your posture. The correct posture for typing is seated, with a straight back and feet planted shoulder-width apart, flat on the floor. Your wrists should be at the same level as the keyboard so that your fingers can arch over the keys easily. You should tilt your head down slightly when you look at the screen, and your eyes should be around 45–70 centimetres (18–28 in) from the screen.[1]
- Most office chairs are adjustable. Tinker with your setup until you find the right seat height.
- 3Don’t slump. It’s important not to let your form slip as you go. Keep your posture and body position good to avoid aching wrists which will make you slow down and upset your rhythm.[2] Don’t let your shoulders and back hunch up, try to keep relaxed, but upright.
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Part 2 Quiz
You should position your monitor so you have to look...
Part2Getting your Finger Positions Right
- 1Get to know the keyboard. Most keyboards use the same layout, called the QWERTY layout because of the letters that make up the left side of the top row of letter keys. Many keyboards also have various other buttons around them that do different things.
- Most keys on the keyboard are used to type their corresponding character into a text area. Open up a text file and try pressing all of the keys to see what they do.
- Practice memorising the positions of the letter keys and common punctuation marks. You will need to know where these are without looking at the keyboard if you ever hope to become a fast typist.
- 2Learn the correct hand position. To type quickly, you must hold your hands and fingers in a certain position over the keys, and let them return to that position when at rest. Your hands should also be slightly angled, i.e. Your right hand should be angled to the left (at about 145 degrees), whereas your left hand should be angled to the right, or at a 45-degree angle.[3] In brief, your hands should arch up slightly from the wrists, and your fingers should rest lightly on the “home row” section of the keyboard.[4] The home row keys along with the fingers that you should hit each letter with are as follows:
- Your left index finger should rest on the letter F and should hit the characters: F, C, V, G, T, and 6.
- Your left middle finger should rest on the letter D and should hit the characters: D, R, 5, and X.
- Your left ring finger should rest on the letter S and should hit the characters: Z, E, 4, and 3.
- Your left pinkie should rest on the letter A, and should hit the characters: A, \, Caps Lock, 2, 1, W, Q, Tab. Shift, and Ctrl.
- Your right index finger should rest on the letter J and should hit the characters: 6, 7, U, J, N, M, H, Y, and B.
- Your right middle finger should rest on the letter K and should hit the characters: K, I, 8, and the comma key.
- Your right ring finger should rest on the letter L and should hit the characters: L, the full stop key, O, and 9.
- Your right pinkie finger should rest on the semi-colon (;) key, and should hit the characters: semi-colon, P, /, 0, ', -, =, [, ], #, Shift, Enter, Backspace, and the Ctrl key.
- Left and right thumbs should rest on and press the space bar.
- 3Close your eyes and say the keys out loud as you press them. One good way to help you get to know the positions of the keys without looking at them is to look away from the keys, and directly at the screen, and pronounce the keys as you press them. This will help you with the process of memorising the key positions. Keep doing it until you no longer need to say the letters as you press them.[5]
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Part 3 Quiz
What key should your right index finger rest on?
Part3Learning the Basics of Touch-Typing
- 1Gauge your speed to start with. There are many ways to estimate your typing speed, which is usually measured in WPM (words per minute). The easiest is to simply type “what's my WPM” into an Internet search and click one of the top links for a simple test. This will give you a starting point for your efforts.
- Having a score as a benchmark will help to measure your progress over time.
- Sometimes you will see your score presented in WAM (words a minute), rather than WPM. There is no difference between these terms.
- Remember that WPM is best gauged over a set period of time. Typing for more or less time can change your WPM, so be consistent with the test you choose when you come back later to check your progress.
- 2Start slowly with touch-typing. Getting faster at typing is a matter of steadily developing your skill, and touch-typing (typing without looking at the keyboard) is generally the quickest way to type once you have mastered it. If you've never touch-typed before, that means you'll be spending quite a bit of time on this step. But once you can type without looking at keys you’ll get much faster.[6]
- It can be frustrating to start typing in this way and it may feel alien to you, but with some work and patience, you will improve.
- Try to limit your finger movement only to what is needed to reach the keys.[7]
- 3Stick with it and don't look at your hands. It's important to avoid looking at the keyboard as you type so that your fingers are forced to learn where the keys are through physical repetition. If you can't look away from the keyboard, try typing with a light cloth, such as a hand towel, draped over your hands instead.
- You might even find you are slower than before at the start, but stick with it. Once you touch-type you will reach much higher speeds than with your original technique.[8]